Year 6-7 transition
We believe that a smooth, positive and exciting transition from Year 6 to Year 7 is crucial to the start of each child’s secondary education. The aim of our transition process is for every pupil to move up to Silverdale feeling excited, confident and cared for.
Students joining us in September 2025
Welcome to Silverdale School!
During March, we will send details to parents and carers about the activities and events we have planned to welcome new students to their new school. There will be plenty of opportunities to help our new Year 7 students get to know Silverdale School and to meet new friends and staff. Watch out for information coming to you and to this web page soon.
We can't wait to meet you.
Joining Silverdale School Year 7
Welcome to Silverdale School video for new students
Watch the video below to meet Miss Clemens, the Head of Year 7, and hear about the exciting opportunities available to year 7 students at Silverdale School.
Joining Silverdale School guide for new students
Read through this booklet for our new students, to find out what happens when you join Silverdale School.
Key Events
SEND coffee morning: Wednesday 23 April (by invitation)
This is an event for us to welcome the parents and carers of children with SEND (those with an EHC Plan or who are on the SEND register at their primary school). It is an opportunity to meet the team, learn about the support available and to ask any questions about inclusion at Silverdale. Invitations will be sent out through primary schools.
Induction evening: Thursday 19 June, 5.30–7.30pm
Students will meet their new form and form tutor/s and spend time in these groups getting to know their classmates. Parents and carers will receive presentations from the Head of School and the Head of Year 7.
Transition days: Wednesday 25 June and Thursday 26 June
All new Year 7 students will join us for two days at Silverdale School. They will experience a variety of taster lessons, meet your new teachers and school staff, have the opportunity to make new friends and explore your new school. This is a vital part of the transition process, and it is our intention that students leave the days excited to start at Silverdale.
Students will be in school between 9.15am–3.00pm on each transition day.
Summer's Cool: Silverdale Summer School
Camp 1:
Wednesday 20–Friday 22 August 2025
Camp 2:
Tuesday 26–Thursday 28 August 2025
All new Year 7 students are invited to join us at Summer's Cool during the summer holiday. Between 9.00am–3.00pm on each day, students will get to know the school, work with several of their new teachers, make friends from other primary schools and improve literacy. Our aim is to enable new students to join Silverdale School with confidence. There is a charge to cover the activities.
Frequently asked questions
We have tried to answer key questions that families may have as their child transitions to secondary school below. If your question isn’t shown below, please email We will endeavour to respond to your query as quickly as we can. If your question is being asked by many families, we will add it to the FAQs below.
When and how will I find out if my child has a place at Silverdale School?
The school is part of the Chorus Education Trust, however Sheffield Local Authority manages the admissions process on behalf of the school. All admissions to the school are made through the Local Authority, including the allocation of places and requests to transfer schools. You can expect to hear from the Local Authority at the beginning of March to find out where your child has been allocated a school place. Contact details for the local authority can be found at:
What support will my child receive before starting Silverdale in September ?
Silverdale School offers an in-depth transition programme to all Year 7 students, including an opportunity to meet their form group, transition days and summer school. Information will also be shared on the school website, but please check your emails (including your spam/junk folder) from March for detailed information from Silverdale School.
Who will support my child in their transition to Silverdale?
We have a dedicated team who support the Year 7 students. This includes the Head of Year 7 and the Year 7 Pastoral Support Manager. The Year 7 team work closely with the wider school community including SEND, safeguarding and wellbeing. When your child starts at Silverdale they will have a dedicated form tutor, or tutors, who will also support them.
My child would like to attend Summer's Cool. How can I book this?
At Silverdale, we run a summer school, called Summer's Cool, each year. This is an opportunity for students to get used to being in the school building, work with a variety of teachers and enjoy a range of fun activities including team-building, sport and creative activities. Summer's Cool is a brilliant opportunity for students to make new friends and feel excited about starting Year 7 in September. Summer’s Cool is optional, and families will need to book a place. A fee is payable for your child to attend.
Information regarding booking onto summer school will be shared with parents and carers following the confirmation of school places.
My child has SEND or additional needs; will there be additional transition support available to them?
The SEND and Year 7 teams work closely together with primary schools to support all students in their transition to secondary school. For students identified as potentially benefitting from additional transition support, the Silverdale team will communicate directly with primary schools and parents/carers to arrange this.
Can my child visit the school building?
There are opportunities to explore the school at the Year 6 Open Evening held in September, and during the transition events in the summer term for students offered a Year 7 place at the school. In addition, there are various videos on the Silverdale School website that show you different parts of our school. Please see below if your child has specific SEND or additional needs.
What is a form group?
Your child’s form group is the group of which they will be a part during their time at Silverdale. Each form group has a dedicated form tutor, or tutor team, who meets with the form each morning during form time. Forms are made up of students within the same year group as your child. The forms are called S, I, L, V, D, A, L and E. You will be informed of the form to which your child has been allocated in advance of the Induction Evening in June.
Can I have input into which form my child is in?
Some students and parents/carers can be worried about which form group their child will be placed in. In order to allocate students to a form group, we use a variety of data to organise groupings. This includes (but is not limited to) information from your child’s primary school, which primary school they have attended, gender, ethnicity, additional needs and the Year 7 form tutor team. This is a complex process, which the Year 7 team are experienced in managing.
We do not place any student into a form based on parental requests or ‘friendship requests’ either from parents or primary schools. In exceptional circumstances, we may approach a small number of parents/carers for input into their child’s form where specific needs necessitate this, for example twin preferences. Whilst we understand that this can be challenging for some students, our experience shows that it works very well for the majority of students who are able to settle into life at Silverdale quickly and happily, expanding their friendship groups.
What group will my child be taught in?
In Year 7, your child will mostly be taught in their form group. During PE and Design Technology students may be mixed with students in other form groups. At Silverdale we have sets for maths. These are organised by our experienced Maths Department using a variety of information once students have settled into Silverdale.
What support does Silverdale offer to students who are not from a catchment/feeder school?
Every year we have a number of students who come to Silverdale either by themselves or with a very small number of students from their primary school. At Silverdale, we take extra care to ensure these students settle in quickly through our carefully planned transition programme. Please check your emails from 1 March for specific messages regarding transition activities offered for our students from non-catchment schools.
What happens if my child is really nervous and worried about moving to secondary school?
The move from primary school to secondary school is a significant one that must not be underestimated. It is not uncommon for some children to find this transition difficult. Our experience shows that, by engaging in the transition process, students feel more confident about moving to Silverdale. Talking to your child about transition and the exciting opportunities available at secondary school also often helps, as well as encouraging your child to talk to family, friends or relatives. Your child’s primary school is often able to give excellent support in preparing your child for secondary school. The Silverdale Year 7 Pastoral Team is also available if needed to support your family in the transition process. Please do get in touch with us at Your child may also find online transition resources helpful, for example from the NSPCC or Young Minds.
My question is not covered in the FAQs, what should I do?
If your question has not been answered here please get in touch with the Year 7 Pastoral Team at:
We will respond to your query as quickly as possible.
Our Transition Team
Silverdale School has a designated team who oversee the Year 6 to Year 7 transition process and ensure that our new Year 7 pupils make a successful start to their Silverdale career. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Miss A Clemens
Head of Year 7
Mrs J Brocklesby
SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator)
Miss H Abou Galala
Year 7 Pastoral Manager