At all key stages our students are excelling; they achieve results that will see them embark upon their next stage of study or work with confidence and the skills needed to continue to make outstanding progress.
Key Stage 4 (2023-24)
- Our Progress 8 score is +0.64. This represents well above average progress for students of all abilities in a broad range of subjects.
- The average Attainment 8 score is 57.2.
- 67.4% of students achieved grade 5 or better in English and maths.
- 79.2 % of students achieved grade 4 or better in English and maths.
- 39% of students were entered for the English Baccalaureate.
- The average English Baccalaureate (EBacc) point score is 5.07
- 97% of students stayed in education or employment after key stage 4.
To view performance data about our school and our key stage 4 results please go to the government's compare school and college performance in England website.
KEY STAGE 5 (2023-24)
Silverdale Sixth Form is one of the most successful in the city, indeed in the entire country.
We pride ourselves on the exceptionally high levels of attainment and progress achieved by our students. The close academic and pastoral relationship between students and staff results in sixth formers fulfilling their potential and beyond.
- 12.2% of all grades were A*
- 41% of all grades were A*-A
- 71% of all grades are A*-B
- 86% of all grades were A*-C
- Our average grade was B
Visit our Sixth Form pages for further information about our Sixth Form students' performance and destinations.
To view performance data about our school and post 16 results, please go to the government's compare school and college performance in England website.