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Corporate giving via parents

If you are a parent or carer of a Silverdale student, you may be able to raise funds for the school via your employer.

HSBC and other large organisations run charity giving schemes that will match fund income generated for the school. For instance, HSBC will match up to £1,000 of funds raised if one of their employees volunteers at a school fundraising event. Each person is able to ask HSBC to match up to £1,000 of funds raised at the event (as long as they have not already used their personal allowance for another charity). We understand that other banks also run similar schemes.

Obviously this would be a very simple way to double the amount raised for the school. As we are sure you are aware, these are challenging financial times for all schools - so we are trying to ensure we maximise all potential income.

Some companies also help by providing recycled computers.

If you think you can help please get in touch with the Chorus Trust Communications Team at