We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, for key stage 3 (Years 7-9), key stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) and key stage 5 (Years 12 and 13 - Sixth Form). Click the appropriate button below to find the details for each subject offered in each key stage.
Further details of our curriculum are available on the curriculum page.
Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) Education
PSHE covers personal, social, health and economic education. It is a school subject through which students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for life and work. Well-delivered PSHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for students, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.
PSHE education helps students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage life’s challenges and make the most of life’s opportunities.
There is evidence to show that PSHE education can address teenage pregnancy, substance misuse, unhealthy eating, lack of physical activity, emotional health and other key issues. An effective PSHE programme can also tackle barriers to learning, raise aspirations, and improve the life chances of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged students.
Course leader
Ms K Millington
Year 7
- Intro to PSHE: What is PSHE? What are my strengths and ground rules
- Health and wellbeing.
- Healthy eating.
- Looking after our physical wellbeing.
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
- First aid.
- Road and water safety.
- Halloween, fireworks and bonfires.
- Smoking - risks and influences.
- Understanding drugs - caffeine
- Building self-esteem.
- Understanding our mental health.
- How to be resilient and face challenges.
- Dealing with bullying and types of bullying.
- Managing peer influence and responding to bullying.
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Family relationships.
- Marriage and divorce.
- Positive relationships.
- Love and relationships.
- Safe relationships.
- Puberty and emotional changes.
- Puberty - what happens to our bodies?
- The menstrual cycle and menstrual wellbeing.
- Puberty and hygiene.
- Pressure and consent.
- Keeping safe: understanding female genital mutilation (FGM).
- Living in the wider world.
- Staying safe online.
- Identifying and valuing diversity.
- Identity shields.
- Communities and belonging.
- Racism.
- Self portraits and aspirations.
- Value versus importance and selling yourself.
- Money personality
- The critical consumer.
- The big debate.
- Staying safe over summer.
Year 8
- Health and wellbeing.
- Intro and personal development.
- Growth mindset and building resilience.
- Mental health - let's talk about anxiety.
- Self awareness and emotional literacy.
- First aid.
- Cancer awareness.
- Alcohol - units and safe drinking.
- Digital resilience.
- Body image.
- Eating disorders and disordered eating.
- Living in the wider world.
- Stereotyping and discrimination.
- Disability and stereotyping.
- Understanding disability.
- Understanding extremism.
- What is radicalisation?
- What are British values?
- Tolerance and valuing diversity.
- Democracy island.
- UK government - political parties and parliament.
- The voting system.
- Relationships and Sex Education.
- LGBTQ+ and allyship.
- Unhealthy relationship - what is grooming?
- Healthy relationships and stages of relationships.
- Understanding conception.
- Talking about consent.
- Consent and avoiding assumptions.
- How do we stop sexism?
- Sexual harassment.
- Living in the wider world.
- Exploring career interests.
- Work patterns and work places.
- Understanding fraud.
- Gambling awareness.
- What are taxes and how are they used?
- How to budget and why it's important.
- Let's have a party!
Year 9
- Living in the wider world.
- Intro, diverse Britain and British citizenship.
- Refugees and asylum seekers.
- Human trafficking and modern slavery.
- Human rights.
- Humanitarianism and international aid.
- Health and wellbeing.
- The effects of alcohol.
- Vaping.
- Exploring attitudes to drugs.
- Drugs, the law and managing risk.
- Managing influence.
- Knife crime.
- Gang culture.
- Importance of sleep.
- Loss, bereavement and the stages of grief.
- Living in the wider world
- What is a career?
- What does success mean to me?
- Using Unifrog to identify interests and skills.
- Employability.
- Leadership and entrepreneurial skills.
- Financial capabilities and avoiding debt.
- Relationships and Sex Education.
- Sexual orientation and gender identity.
- Respctful relationships.
- Child sexual exploitation.
- Freedom and capacity to consent.
- Managing the end of relationships.
- Pregnancy and parenthood.
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexual health.
- Contraception.
- Condom demonstration.
- Abortion.
- Media and sexualisation.
- Sharing of nudes and sexting.
- Pornography.
- Health and wellbeing.
- Mental health - depression and anxiety.
- Mental health - self harm.
- Testicular and breast cancer awareness.
Skills and requirements
Skills required
What do we expect of students during PSHE lessons?
- We will listen to each other without interrupting.
- We will show respect for each other and each other’s views even when they are different from our own.
- We will support each other and encourage those who are less confident than ourselves.
- We agree to join in and make a positive contribution.
Each teacher will also develop their own ground rules with their class together to make sure all PSHE lessons are effective.