Sixth Formers celebrate A-level results

Students at Silverdale Sixth Form celebrated today as they opened their A-level and Level 3 exam results.
Highlights across Silverdale Sixth Form’s class of 2023 include a 99.7% pass rate with 85.5% of results achieving grades between A*-C. 53.1% of students progress to their next step with grades of AAB or better and 39.3% of the grades awarded were A* or A with ten students achieving a full set of A* or A grades.
This year sees a return to pre-pandemic grading nationwide, meaning that grades in 2023 are comparable with those issued in 2019. The school’s results show improvements in pass rate and in those students attaining the higher grades, when compared with 2019.
This year’s Year 13 students – for whom this was the first experience of external exams, following the cancellation of their GCSE exams in 2021 – should be particularly proud of their results, which are testament to their resilience and hard work.
Silverdale students now head out for destinations spanning the UK…and as far as a university in San Diego in the United States. Six students have secured Oxbridge places and 12 go on to study medicine, one student each to study dentistry and veterinary science.
Students have chosen to read a vast array of subjects including adult nursing, philosophy, chemical engineering, music performance and production, sports management, fine art, zoology and law. A number of students have successfully secured apprenticeships in the competitive worlds of accountancy, quantity surveying, business management and engineering.
In a year that saw Silverdale’s Sixth Form receiving an ‘outstanding’ rating from Ofsted, and the development of a purpose-built Sixth Form facility, which opens in September, the Year 13 students’ results mark the culmination of a great year.
Head of Silverdale School, Sarah Sims, said: "I am so proud of these students. They have worked hard, with the unwavering support of their teachers, through a challenging few years and have succeeded in achieving some great results. They are now reaping the rewards of their efforts as the vast majority of them head off to their preferred university place.
"I and the Silverdale staff have benefitted from working with these inspirational young people who, we are sure, will go on to make their positive mark in the world. We wish them the best of luck in their undoubtedly bright futures."