PSHE covers personal, social, health and economic education. It is a school subject through which students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for life and work. Well-delivered PSHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.
How can PSHE education benefit students?
PSHE education helps pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage life’s challenges and make the most of life’s opportunities.
There is evidence to show that PSHE education can address teenage pregnancy, substance misuse, unhealthy eating, lack of physical activity, emotional health and other key issues. An effective PSHE programme can also tackle barriers to learning, raise aspirations, and improve the life chances of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils.
What do we expect of students during PSHE lessons?
- We will listen to each other without interrupting.
- We will show respect for each other and each other’s views even when they are different from our own.
- We will support each other and encourage those who are less confident than ourselves.
- We agree to join in and make a positive contribution.
Each teacher will also develop their own ground rules with their class together to make sure all PSHE lessons are effective.
Year 7
Topics to be covered over the year:
Personal wellbeing
- Healthy lifestyles.
- Food and exercise.
- Eating disorders.
- Body image and the media.
- Mental health.
- Coping, building resilience and self esteem.
- Mental fitness.
- Making and Maintaining friendships.
- Bullying.
- Recognising safe and unsafe situations.
- Why do we use drugs?
- Risk taking behaviours.
- Smoking.
- Alcohol.
Economic wellbeing
- Values and worth, needs and wants.
- The cost of me.
- Aspirations.
- Gambling.
Sex and relationships
- Changes – social, emotional, physical.
- Puberty around the world.
- Girls and puberty.
- Boys and puberty.
- Different types of relationship.
- Pressure, negotiation and assertiveness in a relationship.
World wide citizen
- British values.
- Education through the ages – life chances.
- Attitudes/access to school world-wide.
- History of voting and democracy in the UK.
- Understanding Voting/democracy in the UK.
- Voting/democracy worldwide.
- Reflection and self assessment.
Year 8
Topics to be covered over the year:
Personal wellbeing
- Mental health - destigmatising, raising awareness and different types.
- Mental health - Families, changes and bereavement.
- Mental health – self-esteem, resilience, body image and the media, being healthy.
- Staying safe in the community – gangs, violence, knives.
- Recognising safe and unsafe situations.
- Taking responsibility, making good choices.
- Reflection and self-assessment.
- Why do people take drugs? Exploring risk taking behaviours.
- Drugs and the law.
- Alcohol’s effects on behaviour – sexual health, depression, etc.
- Cannabis – effects and risks.
- Legal highs – effects and risks.
- Resisting unhelpful pressure concerning drug taking.
- First aid.
- The drug trade, who does it harm?
- The war on drugs, is it working?
- Reflection and Self-assessment.
Economic wellbeing
- What careers am I thinking about? Research, possible careers.
- Qualities, attitudes and skills for employability.
- Different professions.
- Letter of Application/CV Writing.
- Reflection and self-assessment.
Sex and relationships
- Qualities of a good relationship.
- Exploitation, physical and emotional abuse.
- Negotiation and assertiveness in relationships.
- Sexting, “nudes”.
- Sex and the law.
- Sexually transmitted infections inc. HIV and AIDS, sexual health services.
- Contraception.
- Reflection and self-assessment.
World wide citizen
- Human Rights - UK and Worldwide.
- Life chances around the world.
- Refugees and asylum.
- The Death Penalty.
- Social action.
Year 9
- Young people and the law.
- The CPS and the courts.
- Civil or Criminal.
- Violence against a person.
- Reoffending.
- Planning and writing a speech.
- Reflection and self-assessment.
- Intro to drugs (alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, gas, GBH, heroine, ketamine, LSD, magic mushrooms, mcat).
- Why are some drugs legal?
- Why do people take drugs (drugs and sadness).
- The war on drugs.
- The supply chain - farmers.
- Reflection and Self-assessment.
- Healthy Relationships.
- Domestic Abuse.
- Sexual Exploitation.
- Exploitation.
- Gang Culture.
- Joint Enterprise.
- Reflection and Self-assessment.
Sex and relationships
- Introduction.
- Love and Romance.
- Consent.
- Underage and pregnant.
- Sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
- Contraception.
- Condoms.
- Abortion.
- Porn/Sexting.
- Reflection and self-assessment.
politics and democracy
- Politics (Island story and worksheet).
- Democracy.
- Manifesto.
- Party Politics.
- Elections and Voting.
- Brexit.
- Reflection and self-assessment.
year 10
Content to follow shortly.