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Chorus Education Trust

Chorus Education Trust originally grew from Silverdale School and Sixth Form, and is now bringing
in other schools from Sheffield and beyond.

We believe in harnessing the best in education and ensuring that it’s accessible to all students. We are not an anonymous, national academy chain but a local Trust grown from local schools.

Silverdale School's ethos permeates throughout the Trust – that of ‘Outstanding Achievement for All’.  This is the foundation of our work: our belief that every child can achieve beyond their expectations; and our commitment to outstanding teaching and learning. Combined with our inclusive approach to education, it creates an environment where students flourish.

As a school within its own Trust, Silverdale can continue its excellent work within a supportive, collaborative community. By working together we are stronger, building a sustainable, resilient organisation that puts students at the very heart of our work.

You can visit the Chorus Education Trust website at:

You can contact Chorus Education Trust:

  • By telephone: 0114 235 7983
  • By email:
  • By post: Chorus Education Trust, Unit 4 Acres Hill Business Park, Acres Hill Lane, Sheffield, S9 4LR.

Chorus Education Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 8289609) at Chorus Education Trust, Unit 4 Acres Hill Business Park, Acres Hill Lane, Sheffield, S9 4LR.