End of term & start of year arrangements
Published on 14/07/18
Below is information about arrangements for the end of term and the start of the new academic year.
End of term arrangements: Friday 20 July 2018
Students will have lessons up to and including Period 3.
- They will then go into form time and will be released at 12.45pm. Students who have free school meals will be able to collect a packed lunch from the dining room prior to leaving school.
Start of new academic year arrangements
Monday 3 & Tuesday 4 September 2018: Inset days – school will be closed to students for staff training.
Wednesday 5 September 2018: school is open to Year 7 and Year 12 students only.
- Year 7 students should arrive as normal by 9am and go straight to the hall for assembly.
- Year 12 students should arrive as normal by 9am and go to tutor time.
Thursday 6 September 2018: a staggered start as follows:
- Years 7, 8 and 9 should arrive as normal by 9am. Y8 should line up for assembly, Y7 and Y9 should go to form rooms.
- Years 10 and 11 should arrive for period 2 by 10.15am. Year 10 should line up for assembly. Year 11 should go to form rooms.
- Year 12 should arrive for period 3 by 11.35am.
- Year 13 should arrive by 9am for tutorials, which will go on unti. 11.15am. Then normal lessons start from period 3.
- Normal timetables for all year groups will start from Period 3.
Ensuring your child is school-ready for the start of term
Please ensure that your child is ready for the new academic year by checking out the guidance on our website here.
You can find up to date uniform guidance here.