Headteacher's update 15
Published on 28/08/20
Dear students, parents and carers,
I hope you and your families are well.
We have previously sent you information about being prepared for the return to school next week, including our staggered start times in the first week. All of this information is available at: https://www.silverdale-chorustrust.org/returntoschool
Since then we have received revised national government guidance about wearing face coverings in schools. Following this, Sheffield City Council's public health team advised that students and staff in Sheffield secondary schools, and any visitors including parents/carers, should wear face coverings on corridors and in communal areas.
Therefore, until further notice, students, staff and visitors at Silverdale will be required to wear a face covering on corridors when arriving at school, moving around the school at lesson changeover and to go to the dining hall, and when leaving the school to travel home.
Students and staff will not be required to wear a face covering in the classroom.
It is important to note that the wearing of face coverings on corridors and in communal areas is an additional measure we are introducing to reduce the risk of the transmission of COVID-19 in school. The other measures we have previously outlined all remain essential in place, including:
- The requirement to isolate at home if you have symptoms of COVID-19.
- The separation of year groups into ‘bubbles’.
- The removal of break time from the school day to minimise mixing between year groups.
- The requirement to clean hands regularly throughout the day, including when entering and exiting each classroom/teaching space.
- The requirement to maintain a distance of 2 metres from students in other year groups where possible.
What kind of face covering should I wear?
- For schools, fabric face coverings are recommended rather than medical masks.
- A fabric face covering should cover your nose, mouth and chin and should fit without any gaps between it and your face
- It should be made of at least 2 layers of fabric. Ideally it should be made of 3 layers: an outer water-resistant layer, a middle filter layer and an inner water-absorbent layer
- Any colour of face covering is acceptable, but please do not wear a face covering with a design that may be considered offensive in any way. We will require parents/carers of any student wearing an offensive mask to come to school to provide a replacement.
Who will provide the face covering?
Parents/carers will need to provide face coverings for their child. School will have a small supply of spare face coverings should a student lose or forget to bring one.
What should I do if my child is exempt from wearing a face covering?
Some of our students, staff and visitors will be exempt from wearing a face covering owing to health reasons or disabilities. Students who are exempt from wearing a face covering will be provided with an exemption card/lanyard. If your child will be exempt from wearing a face covering, please notify school by either:
- Emailing your child's Pastoral Manager with the name and year group of your child and the reason for exemption.
- Sending a note with your child explaining the exemption, to give to their Pastoral Manager.
Pastoral Manager contact details:
- Year 7: y7pastoralsupport@silverdale-chorustrust.org
- Year 8 and Year 9: ks3pastoralsupport@silverdale-chorustrust.org
- Years 10 and Year 11: ks4pastoralsupport@silverdale-chorustrust.org
- Years 12 and Year 13: SixthForm@silverdale-chorustrust.org
How can I wear and store my face covering safely?
Below you can find written and visual instructions about using face coverings.
You can also watch this video:
Face coverings help protect others from COVID-19, particularly if you have it without knowing. Face coverings work by catching the small droplets that we spread when we talk, cough or sneeze, which might contain the virus. Your face covering helps protect the people around you and their face coverings help to protect you.
Remember if you have symptoms, you should stay at home, self-isolate and get a test.
- For schools, fabric face coverings are recommended, rather than medical masks.
- A fabric face covering should cover your nose, mouth and chin and should fit without any gaps between it and your face.
- It should be made of at least 2 layers of fabric. Ideally it should be made of 3 layers: an outer water-resistant layer, a middle filter layer and an inner water-absorbent layer.
- First clean your hands with soap and water (for 40-60 seconds) or hand sanitiser (for 20-30 seconds).
- Check the face covering - do not wear it if it is wet, damaged or dirty.
- Your face covering should cover your nose, mouth and chin.
- Do not touch the face covering while wearing it to avoid contamination.
- If you do accidentally touch your face covering, clean your hands.
- Do not wear your mask under your nose, around your neck or on your forehead.
- Remember a face covering does not mean that you do not need to socially distance or wash your hands!
- Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitiser before removing your face covering.
- Remove the loops or ties from behind your ears without touching the front of the face covering.
- If your face covering is clean and dry and you want to re-use it, store it in a clean plastic, resealable bag.
- Wash your hands again after you take it off.
- Do not reuse your face covering if it is dirty, wet or damaged – use a different one.
- Remove the bag by the straps when you take it out of its plastic bag.
- Wash your face covering with soap or detergent after each day that you use it, preferably at a high temperature.
- If you need to throw away used face coverings dispose of them in your ‘black bag’ waste bin at home, or a covered litter bin if you’re outside or at school.
- Do not put them in a recycling bin as they cannot be recycled through conventional recycling facilities.
- Take them home with you if there is no litter bin - do not drop them as litter.
- You do not need to: put them in an extra bag or store them for a time before throwing them away.
All of the above information about face coverings, and any subsequent updates, can be found on our dedicated webpage: https://www.silverdale-chorustrust.org/facecoverings
We look forward to welcoming all students back next week.
Wishing you a restful bank holiday weekend.
Best wishes,
Mrs Sarah Sims
Head of Silverdale School