Latest government advice re Coronavirus
Published on 27/02/20
Further advice for schools was issued by the government yesterday (26/02/2020) which we then sent out to parents and carers. You can view it here.
It contained an updated list of countries affected by the Coronavirus and advice about the action to take if you have visited them. This adds to the advice we sent in the letter before half term which you can view here.
Action we have taken in school
Students will be reminded in form time about the importance of good hygiene.
The government’s advice poster for schools will be displayed around school. You can view the poster here.
We are displaying additional reminders about hand washing in bathrooms.
- We are investigating purchasing hand sanitizer for school.
Action you can take
- Ensure your child has a supply of tissues and hand sanitizer (that contains at least 60% alcohol) for school.
- Remind them when sneezing or coughing to ‘Catch it, bin it, kill it’ as advised in the government posters.
- Remind them to wash they hands regular at key points, as advised in the government poster.
The poster is reproduced below:
Thank you for your co-operation. We will continue to keep you updated when the government sends us new advice.